June 2019: Elisabeth Elliott

Elisabeth Elliott
Heroine: a woman having the qualities of a hero; a woman admired and emulated for her achievements and qualities; the central female figure in an event or period.
Elisabeth Elliott is the wife of the late Jim Elliot, one of the four American missionaries who were killed by the Auca Indians in the jungles of Ecuador, depicted in the movie, " End of the Spear."
This is the second movie based on her book, "Through the Gates of Splendor". The first was "
Beyond the Gates of Splendor".
One of the most influential women of our time, Elisabeth is the author of a numerous of books, including
Shadow of the Almighty, Passion and Purity, A Path Through Suffering, Let Me be a Woman, Asking God Why, Love Has a Price Tag, and was the host of a daily radio program, Gateway to Joy, giving practical guidance to women, married and single, young and old, for 13 years.
Shadow of the Almighty, Passion and Purity, A Path Through Suffering, Let Me be a Woman, Asking God Why, Love Has a Price Tag, and was the host of a daily radio program, Gateway to Joy, giving practical guidance to women, married and single, young and old, for 13 years.
Christians and non-Christians are touched by this woman's strong faith, character and love for her 'enemies.' She truly has lived and modeled what Rick Warren calls the Purpose Driven Life...that "It's not about me," it's about finding a purpose greater than yourself.
"Love means self-giving. Self-giving means sacrifice." -Elisabeth Elliott
Elisabeth Elliott's book: "Through the Gates of Splendor"